  • ChicagoSunroof

    I am! I left reddit for after they got rid of /r/FatPeopleHate, my favorite subreddit.

    • picklefingers

      Welcome to the site. As /u/splitfish said, harassment is not allowed here. That doesn't mean you aren't allowed your own opinion and the ability to express it, but creating content just to make fun of certain groups of people is not welcome. What you can expect here is for your opinion to not be censored because people disagree with it.

      • ChicagoSunroof

        Well, just this morning I saw people making fun of "Republicans" in an Obamacare thread. So you are inconsistent.

        • picklefingers

          If you thought the teasing was harsh enough to merit harassment, then report it to the admins. And merely disagreeing with certain views is not harassment. Saying "I think the logic fat people use is faulty" is not harrasment. Even saying, "Fat people are fucking stupid" is not harassment. Harassment is saying something like "Fat people are fucking terrible people. Fat people should die. We should just get rid of fat people". The first two, a fat person would just get offended. And we can't and shouldn't ban because people are offended. However, the third one is threatening. It makes people feel unsafe just using the site. I'd venture to say that something like /r/fatlogic would actually fly on this site. While offensive to a large group of people, bullying is strictly banned on that subreddit. So, regarding the original republican topic, it is the difference between a tribe that is /t/republicanlogic and /t/republicanhate. One is made to disagree. The other is made to promote hatred.

        • l23r

          It's okay to hate on people, so long as they are people who aren't Liberals or Democrats. /s

    • Splitfish

      Welcome, but just remember that the fat hating stuff is unwelcome here.