  • Medicine

    Yeah I mean think about it, if Reddit users all came here it would just turn into another Reddit with the pun threads and the Bernie Sanders posts non-stop

    • picklefingers

      See I don't mind Bernie Sanders posts because he's my guy in the elections right now, but what annoyed me on reddit was it wouldn't stay in /r/sandersforpresident. Literally all of the first ten or so posts of /r/politics at one point was Bernie Sanders news. Mods really should've stepped up more and got rid of the Sanders spam.

    • racerxonclar

      Of things to complain about seeing posted all the time on reddit, posts about a political candidate during an election season seems like an odd thing to list first lol

    • MrRogers

      I don't mind the Bernie posts. Thinking about a Bush/Clinton election makes me shudder, so I hope they do for Sanders what they did for Obama.

      I unsubbed from r/politics almost immediately, so maybe I just didn't get inundated, and that's why it didn't bother me when I saw them heaping praise. There is only so much politics one can handle per day, especially in an echo chamber like Reddit.