Text Post: Ask General/Botlane Questions. posted by merk
  • Fuyu

    I've always heard that Supports carry the game through vision and getting their ADC fed. My problem is, no one pays attention to good vision in Silver, and sometimes your ADC is too hopeless to save, let alone feed. Do you have any good strategies/champions for when you need to stop being a Support and start being a Carry even with a lack of gold?

    • merk

      I get what you are saying, being the utility guy sucks if no one uses all the utility you bring to your team. I suggest to play support champions that can also deal damage on their own. My favourite damage dealing support is Annie. Her base damage is high enough to get kills in lane and snowball without being the one who lasthits.

      Another tip if your adc is useless: Go roam and feed your midlaner.

      • chuyo (edited 8 years ago)

        and is your midlaner is useless ? go top and feed your toplaner ? :D

        • merk

          yes, but you shouldn't stay in toplane for too long since it gives drake up.