  • kimkam120

    I didn't get a chance to watch many of the games today, I did watch TDK vs TiP pretty closely and I am wondering why Seraph picked Vlad, such a weak/wierd pick. Maokai was up, although I don't know how well he can play on that champion im sure it could have helped prevent the instant killing of his teammates. Gate seemed fine on that Alistar, a pick I would love to see come out a lot more, hope he can fill in the spot Adrian left if he doesn't come back.

    • DesiDrifter395

      I believe its pretty much because Seraph likes Vlad. I mean, they know they're going to relegations, so I kinda think they were just dicking around

      • kimkam120

        I was unaware they where already in relegations, my bad. If so then yeah we can just assume its them going "Alright boys lets have some fun" or something like that.