
NA LCS Summer - Week 8 Day 2 Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Match 1: Team Liquid vs Enemy Esports

Win for Team Liquid

Game Time: 26:07

Bans, Team Liquid: [Nidalee, Shen, Alistar]

Bans, Enemy Esports: [Azir, Annie, Ryze]

Picks, Team Liquid: [Maokai, Rek'Sai, Twisted Fate, Kalista, Janna]

Picks, Enemy Esports: [Fizz, Gragas, Yasuo, Sivir, Nautilus]

Match 2: Cloud 9 vs Counter Logic Gaming

Win for Counter Logic Gaming

Game Time: 50:36

Bans, Cloud9: [Alistar, Fizz, Tristana]

Bans, Counter Logic Gaming: [Ryze, Rumble, Braum]

Picks, Cloud9: [Maokai, Nidalee, Orianna, Kalista, Karma]

Picks, Counter Logic Gaming: [Kennen, Gragas, Azir, Sivir, Janna]

Match 3: Team Dignitas vs Team SoloMid

Win for Team Dignitas

Game Time: 35:19

Bans, Team Dignitas: [Azir, Kalista, Alistar]

Bans, Team SoloMid: [Ryze, Sivir, Fizz]

Picks, Team Dignitas: [Rumble, Rek'Sai, Viktor, Jinx, Thresh]

Picks, Team SoloMid: [Maokai, Gragas, Kog'Maw, Tristana, Janna]

Match 4: Team Dragon Knights vs Team Impulse

Win for Team Impulse

Game Time: 36:02

Bans, Team Dragon Knights: [Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Nautilus]

Bans, Team Impulse: [Ryze, Kalista, Rek'Sai]

Picks, Team Dragon Knights: [Vladimir, Elise, Syndra, Vayne, Bard]

Picks, Team Impulse: [Shen, Lee Sin, Orianna, Sivir, Alistar]

Match 5: Team 8 vs Gravity

Win for Gravity

Game Time: 48:12

Bans, Team 8: [Urgot, Rumble, Sivir]

Bans, Gravity: [Ryze, Shen, Kalista]

Picks, Team 8: [Maokai, Nidalee, Azir, Tristanna, Braum]

Picks, Gravity: [Gnar, Vi, Kog'Maw, Jinx, Janna]

8 years ago by kimkam120 with 6 comments

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  • kimkam120

    I didn't get a chance to watch many of the games today, I did watch TDK vs TiP pretty closely and I am wondering why Seraph picked Vlad, such a weak/wierd pick. Maokai was up, although I don't know how well he can play on that champion im sure it could have helped prevent the instant killing of his teammates. Gate seemed fine on that Alistar, a pick I would love to see come out a lot more, hope he can fill in the spot Adrian left if he doesn't come back.

    • DesiDrifter395

      I believe its pretty much because Seraph likes Vlad. I mean, they know they're going to relegations, so I kinda think they were just dicking around

      • kimkam120

        I was unaware they where already in relegations, my bad. If so then yeah we can just assume its them going "Alright boys lets have some fun" or something like that.

  • chuyo

    GV Move is a god ! Have you seen his steals of drake and nashor ? He save his team a couple of times !

  • Civil

    That TL/NME game made me feel bad for NME. That was a pretty hard stomp.

    • kimkam120

      Yeah I don't know about NME. I wonder if the imports are going to stick around once they realize they are going through relegations.