Text Post: Change Up- & Downvoting? posted by genuineparts
  • imnotgoats (edited 9 years ago)

    I really like the mandatory reason idea. I noticed /u/drunkenninja mentioned that this had already been considered (and they were still open to it if there was demand) in another thread. It would add a welcome inconvenience to downvoting, which would only really annoy potential abusers. I think that those who are using the site in the way that is intended would generally be happy to add their reason.

    If that was the way Snapzu decided to go, I would think having a drop-down list of the main reasons would be enough (perhaps with 'other - specify' the only one that has a free text entry). That would at least stop casual users misinterpreting the downvote's purpose (as they essentially have to read a list of appropriate downvote reasons every time).