+4 +1
The Myth of the Papal Toilet Chair
Legend holds that newly elected popes in the Middle Ages had to present their genitals for inspection to confirm that they were male.
+32 +1
Stack Overflow Didn’t Ask How Bad Its Gender Problem Is This Year
The coding hub’s 2022 survey found that 92 percent of its users were men. This time around it simply dropped the question.
+18 +1
After Questioning His Gender Identity, Teen Developed an App to Help Others Explore Theirs
During high school, particularly in the early months of the pandemic, Joshua Tint began questioning his gender identity because, as he says, "I don't identify a lot with conventional masculinity." "It was a time of a lot of introspection, and a lot of people that I knew were starting to transition," Tint, a now-19-year-old sophomore at Arizona State University, tells PEOPLE.
+15 +1
New research suggests a basic cognitive mechanism underlies the normalization of thin female bodies
New research provides evidence that an overrepresentation of thin bodies in the social environment can produce dramatic changes in what is considered a normal body weight among women. The findings, published in Psychological Science, indicate that a psychological phenomenon known as “prevalence-induced concept change” occurs in the domain of body judgments.
+25 +1
Scotland to become first country in world to provide free period products
The legislation, which was originally proposed by Labour MSP Monica Lennon, was unanimously approved by the Scottish Parliament back in 2020.
+17 +1
Sex: Why it makes women fall in love - but just makes men want MORE!
During a woman's head during an orgasm up to 30 different parts of the brain are activated, including those responsible for emotion, joy, satisfaction and memory.
+15 +1
The Sexist Pseudoscience at the Heart of Biology
FOR YEARS, STUDYING zoology made me feel like a sad misfit. Not because I loved spiders, enjoyed cutting up dead things I’d found by the side of the road, or would gladly root around in animal feces for clues as to what their owner had eaten. No, the source of my disquiet was my sex. Being female meant just one thing: I was a loser.
+26 +1
Google pays out $118 million to female staff who earned less than their male colleagues to settle lawsuit
Search giant was accused of paying more than 15,000 female staff $17,000 a year less than their male counterparts for the same work.
+1 +1
The Bay Area Trans Masc Calendar is proud to announce the FIRST Annual Trans Masc Calendar!
For Immediate Release
+13 +1
Men are more likely than women to experience strong negative emotions in response to gender threats
It is commonly known that threats to masculinity can lead to very negative reactions from men, but do gender threats have similar outcomes when directed toward women? A study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology aims to answer this question and measure emotional effects of gender threats.
+16 +1
The majority of psychology journal editors are men and based in the US
Journal editors are like science’s gatekeepers: they decide what gets published and what doesn’t, affecting the careers of other academics and influencing the direction that a field takes. You’d hope, then, that journals would do everything they can to establish a diverse editorial board, reflecting a variety of voices, experiences, and identities.
+16 +1
Men are more likely to respond negatively to gender threats in the workplace than women, research finds
When male workers believe their gender status is threatened, they are more likely than their female counterparts to engage in deviant behavior such as lying, cheating or stealing in the workplace, new research suggests.
+15 +1
The Gender Gap in Censorship Support
Across decades, topics, and studies, women are more censorious than men. Compared to men, women support more censorship of various kinds of sexual and violent content and content perceived as hateful or otherwise offensive to minorities.
+16 +1
Anatomy texts should show sex as a spectrum to include intersex people
Around two in every 100 people have sex characteristics between the male-female binary definitions. Training for doctors and other health workers needs to reflect this.
+4 +1
Think being trans is a ‘trend’? Consider these 18th century ‘female husbands’ | Gabrielle Bellot
For much of the century, newspapers and popular novels were filled with sensationalistic tales of similar lives. What made these stories stand out was how they crossed assumed borders of gender and sexuality.
+15 +1
How Imposter Syndrome Affects Intellectually Brilliant Women
Why am I doing this? I’m not fit for this.” “They probably had no other choice, that’s why they picked me” “I feel like such a fraud. Others do really good work, while I’m just faking it to get through.” The study found that women had a higher rate of experiencing imposter syndrome than men.
+1 +1
NSFW How To Overcome Major Obstacles To Seeing A Doctor
If you do not have the time or are frightened of going to Female Doctors Gold Coast, here is some extra encouragement to do what is best for your health. Appreciate it: You have not visited the doctor in quite some time. You had your justifications. Perhaps you did not have coverage, or you did not know where to look for a medical professional and kept putting it off.
+15 +1
Research: Adding Women to the C-Suite Changes How Companies Think
Executive teams that increase gender diversity became more open to change and less comfortable with risk.
+24 +1
Kamala Harris abuse campaign shows how trolls evade social media moderation
New research suggests tech firms need to improve how they detect abuse in response to the evolving use of coded language.
+13 +1
When women studied with women, they persisted, study finds
In a Swiss experiment, women assigned to male-dominated study groups were more likely to drop an economics class
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