+12 +1
5 Tips for Building Your Entrepreneur Power Circle
By connecting in meaningful and pragmatic ways, you can create a power circle of fellow entrepreneurs, and increase your chances of success.
+20 +1
California blaze, which burned 7,000 acres, caused by firework at gender-reveal party
The El Dorado fire in California that has burned more than 7,000 acres (2,800 hectares) was caused by a firework set off at a “gender-reveal party”, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) has found.
+19 +1
After nearly 110 years of naval aviation, the US Navy has welcomed its first Black female tactical jet pilot
Soaring through the glass ceilings of both her gender and race, Lt. j.g. Madeline Swegle has made history as the US Navy's first Black female tactical aircraft pilot. "BZ to Lt. j.g. Madeline Swegle on completing the Tactical Air (Strike) aviator syllabus," the Chief of Naval Air Training wrote Thursday on Facebook, using the abbreviation BZ for Bravo Zulu, which means "well done."
+18 +1
Why are men more likely to get worse symptoms and die from covid-19?
We know that older people are more vulnerable to covid-19, but another major risk factor has emerged: being male. The first signs of a sex difference in covid-19 severity emerged from hospital records in Wuhan shortly after the city locked down. On 30 January, a team at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine published a report on 99 covid-19 patients who were admitted to Jinyintan Wuhan hospital between 1 January and 20 January. They found that among those admitted, men outnumbered women by more than two to one.
+19 +1
Study finds 90% of people are biased against women
The UN Development Programme analysed biases against gender in 75 countries around the world.
+19 +1
Klinefelter syndrome: many men have an extra X chromosome – but it is rarely diagnosed
The genetic condition is one of the most common in the UK and may be a leading cause of infertility in men. Why does it so often go untreated?
0 +1
Plus size lingerie | NaturalCurves.co.uk
Shop plus size lingerie at Natural Curves. Our selection of plus-size lingerie offers a number of sophisticated and sexy options for women. Find a great selection of bras, Chemises, shapewear, Knickers, thongs,swimwear, sports bar, pantyhose, plus size bridal lingerie and more at great prices.
+4 +1
That Time Women Could Divorce Their Husbands By Having Intercourse in Court
Starting around the 14th century in certain parts of Europe, an avenue for a woman to divorce a man was to simply claim that her husband couldn’t consummate the marriage.
+12 +1
A Short History of Manly Beauty Products for Masculine Men
In mid-May, the British makeup company War Paint went viral for a social media rollout that promised makeup “specifically formulated for men.” The brand, which produces concealer, bronzer, and tinted moisturizer, sells their products packaged in slick, black boxes and photographed in the hands of buff, tattooed male models, explicitly targeted men. War Paint’s moment of viral fame earned them brutal rebuke as they quickly became the fleeting face of “toxic masculinity.” Some outlets argued that the “violent branding” preyed on men’s insecurities, while others said War Paint’s campaign was indicative of “fragile...
+15 +1
Ten ethical flaws in the Caster Semenya decision on intersex in sport
Athlete Caster Semenya will need to take hormone-lowering agents, or have surgery, if she wishes to continue her career in her chosen events. Rarely does a public policy fail so spectacularly on so many ethical grounds.
+8 +1
Women who win prizes get less money and prestige
Scientists might gauge their success by the usual publishing metrics, or perhaps by how many Nature papers they have. Yet the rest of the world cares little for citation counts, publication rates or journal prestige — people are more likely to learn of a scholar’s impact through the media buzz surrounding big scientific awards. Such prizes also catch the eye of granting agencies, influence the direction of research and bring scientists personal recognition, particularly in the formative period of their careers.
+16 +1
People expect feminist women to look masculine and feminist men to look feminine
Feminist women are visually stereotyped as more masculine while the opposite is true for feminist men, according to new research published in the journal Sex Roles. The researchers noted that feminist women are often derided for being unattractive or manly. Their study aimed to uncover whether it was “possible that these associations can be observed not only in the form of verbal stereotypes but also in the way people visually represent feminists at a fundamental, perceptual level?”
+5 +1
Stop telling women to fix sexist workplaces
It’s time we stop blaming women and start enacting change in the workplace.
+1 +1
23 Ways Feminism Has Made the World a Better Place for Men
The victories of feminism haven't only benefited half the population, they have made the world a better place for everyone.
+14 +1
Top 7 signs a company doesn't have a glass ceiling
Rather than avoiding organizations with cultural barriers that prohibit career advancement, seek businesses that show they welcome anyone dedicated to moving up the career ladder. These positive signposts are a healthy way to start.
+18 +1
Psychologists' warning over masculinity offends the right
Last August the American Psychological Association (APA) released its first-ever guidelines for therapists working with men and boys. Nobody paid much attention to these for several months, but they went viral this week. This was largely due to the APA condensing its academic report into a tweet explaining that the key takeaway is that traditional masculinity is harmful and socializing boys to suppress their emotions causes damage. Suddenly everyone on the internet was an armchair psychologist and conservatives were up in arms about war on men.
+19 +1
“Good White Men”
Like Nazis looking for Jewishness by checking the foreskins of prisoners, the identitarians of both fascist and social justice strands divine from pale skin and penises the indelible mark of the power to dominate. By Rhyd Wildermuth.
+10 +1
A New Harvard Study Suggests the Gender Wage Gap Doesn't Exist
“Gender pay gap is worse than thought: Study shows women actually earn half the income of men,” NBC announced recently in reference to a report titled “Still a Man’s Labor Market” by the Washington-based Institute for Women’s Policy Research, which found that women's income was 51 percent less than men’s earnings. What do you think of when you hear the phrase “gender pay gap”? Perhaps you think of a man and woman who work exactly the same job at exactly the same place...
+11 +1
We Need More Women in Sports Research
For years, female athletes have relied on training protocols, injury guidelines, and nutrition plans based on research conducted with men. That's starting to change.
+14 +1
How Men Stole Civilization
Civilization is back. But it is no longer the preserve of “Renaissance man” or of “the West,” or even of literate societies. Civilization is a way of talking about human history on the largest scale. From the cave paintings of Lascaux to the latest MoMA exhibition, it binds human history together.
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