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  • Current Event
    4 years ago
    by doodlegirl
    +17 +1

    Thanks To Silicon Valley, Trump May Be Getting An Unexpected BOOST - Putting A Re-Election WIN Within Reach...

    It's the night before the election and I find myself asking - did the leaders of the most powerful tech companies in America, those who are often praised as geniuses on the cutting edge of technology, seriously not foresee what seems like a totally predictable situation?

  • Analysis
    6 years ago
    by lostwonder
    +13 +1

    Judge's comment from ranked-choice hearing underscores legal concern

    A comment during supreme court arguments on ranked-choice voting offers a window into where many fear that things are headed - more legal challenges.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by 8mm
    +40 +1

    No criminality in Clinton emails

    The FBI says it has found no evidence of criminality in a new batch of Hillary Clinton emails, boosting her campaign two days before the election. FBI Director James Comey told Congress his agency's review had found nothing to alter its original conclusion. In July, he said Mrs Clinton had been careless but not criminal in handling sensitive material on her private email server while secretary of state.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by hiihii
    +31 +1

    Why We're Living in the Age of Fear

    Jen Senko believes that her father was brainwashed. As Senko, a New York filmmaker, tells it, her father was a "nonpolitical Democrat." But then he transferred to a new job that required a long commute and began listening to conservative radio host Bob Grant during the drive. Eventually, he was holing himself up for three hours every day in the family kitchen, mainlining Rush Limbaugh and, during commercials, Fox News.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by spaceghoti
    +7 +1

    Trump, the GOP, and the Fall

    Donald Trump is not a black swan, an unforeseen event erupting upon an unsuspecting Republican Party. He is the end result of conscious and deliberate choices by the GOP, going back decades, to demonize its opponents, to polarize and obstruct, to pursue policies that enfeeble the political weal and to yoke the bigot and the ignorant to their wagon and to drive them by dangling carrots that they only ever intended to feed to the rich.

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by AdelleChattre
    +2 +1

    Generation Wave

    In November 2015, history was made in Burma. Ending half a century of military dominance, the National League of Democracy won a landslide victory. Led by Aung San Suu Kyi, who stood by her people through years of political imprisonment, this is the story of the youth movements that helped make this victory possible. By Jeremy Suyker.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by AdelleChattre
    +10 +1

    An FEC warning on LLC gifts to super PACs?

    Documents newly released by the Federal Election Commission in cases involving 2012 election-cycle contributions to super PACs may foreshadow enforcement action against limited liability companies in the future. By Alex Glorioso. (Apr. 4)

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by AdelleChattre
    +22 +1

    Shaking Hands with the Hilldebeest

    “Can a felt-encased Hilldebeest bring healing warmth, if not a certain blonde radiance, to the national body politic? Will she be able to reverse the terrible effects of global freezing, especially in Old Palo Alto? Can she help an ever-growing underclass – those forced to serve the plutocracy with devilled egg-things on trays – recover from juvenile pique and hypothermia? Will she legalise human-Schnauzer-beast-dancing?” By Terry Castle.

  • Current Event
    9 years ago
    by Lievren
    +23 +1

    All Hell Is Breaking Loose at Arizona Election Fraud Hearing

    A raucous hearing on election fraud in the Arizona primary is still going on in Phoenix. As of this writing, the hearing was moved to a separate room and is currently in recess due to continued outbursts of protest in the gallery. Helen Purcell began the Arizona Election Fraud hearing by saying “I want to begin […]