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Published 8 years ago by 8mm with 4 Comments

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  • NotWearingPants

    No additional criminality. Took them a year and a half to vet 33,000 emails. You can go through 650k with a quick search "Hillary + intent" and when nothing comes up you go with your pre-determined finding.

    • cunt

      33k emails in 6 months yet 650k emails in 9 days?

      Somethings fishy, Good luck yanks, you'll need it, either way

    • drunkenninja

      I spat out some coffee when I read this... thanks for the quick laugh :D

  • Appaloosa (edited 8 years ago)

    Nothing criminal about a Secretary of State's emails ending up on a mentally disturbed and compromised civilian's computer who was married to that government official's chief adjutant.

    Who is running that circus. Only the clowns would have any chance of operating there.

  • AdelleChattre

    No criminality? That’s not at all what they said. Jack the Ripper was never prosecuted. By this logic, I guess there mustn’t’ve been any ‘criminality’ in those crimes either.

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