  • Katherine

    I agree! While I love the pictures, I don't want anything involving "porn" showing up on my screen or in my history at work, or really anywhere anybody will see it. It was enough to cause me to avoid the subreddit, and it's enough to make me avoid this tribe, too. I'd love to join something like /t/EarthPics or /t/earth or /t/nature or really anything – there are tons of available options! The "porn" just seems so unnecessary, and it's pretty disappointing to find here, too.

    • Rothulfossil

      Awesome! I took over /t/EarthPics, which had been created but the tribe chief seems to have abandoned it. Come on over!

      • l337Ninja

        Great! I set up /t/StarshipPics myself, so if you could add my tribe and the other Pics tribes that would be great (added yours already to my sidebar)

        • Rothulfossil

          Yay! I'll get you added once I get home from work.