
Hi everyone! I'm new to digital artwork and I have a couple of questions.

I've recently purchased a Wacom Intuos Pen and Touch (small) and I've been sketching with it for a few days. For those who use a tablet device to make your digital artwork, what all did you do to get more accustom to using it? Were there any specific tutorials you followed? I know there are several different programs you can use to draw with tablets but can you tell me what are the ones that work best for you and why?

8 years ago by LoboPreto with 9 comments

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  • Swanee

    I have never used it but see it pop up in the open source community from time to time, Krita

    • LoboPreto

      Interesting. I downloaded it and will be trying it out later, thank you for sharing.

  • eggpl4nt

    Paint Tool SAI is my favorite. I think it's like $55, price is in Yen.
    As for drawing with a tablet, you just kind of get used to it the more you use it. All you gotta do is keep practicing. Try drawing only circles and lines for starters to get you oriented with the tablet. Try using it to just generally browse your computer too! :D

  • westieslant (edited 8 years ago)

    One tip I learned was to tape a piece a paper on top of your Intuos tablet. For me It creates the feeling of sketching on paper with the added friction and it doesn't adversely affect the tablet performance.

    Which software are you using for your sketching?

    • LoboPreto

      From what I can tell the surface feels very similar to paper already but I could try it. I'm sure with the actual paper over top it would save the tablet some wear and tear. As for what program I'm using for sketching..that'd be Paint Tool Sai. I'm interested in doing figure drawings and maybe some anime or cartoon type characters as well as some landscapes. What software do you use or would recommend?

      • westieslant

        For me my tablet had built up skin oils over the year so the paper was a major difference. Software wise I personally like my digital art to mimic traditional mediums, so I use Corel Painter. I've never used Paint Tool Sai before but I hear people love it for line work. So it should work just fine for most of what you're after. Landscapes might be a bit harder I don't remember seeing any done in Paint Tool Sai but I could be wrong.

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