+32 +1
Everything Is Difficult. So What?
The Greater the Difficulty, the Greater the Glory!
+20 +1
The creator economy is in crisis. Now let’s fix it.
Nearly two years ago, I published “The Passion Economy and the Future of Work,” which laid out a vision for online work that was informed by and a reaction to the challenges of the gig economy.
+26 +1
This simple word test reveals how creative you are, scientists say
Take four minutes to think of 10 nouns that are unrelated to one another and as far apart from each other in meaning as possible. Your score will reveal how creative you are, according to scientists studying how to measure creativity.
+2 +1
Can’t Stop Worrying About an Upcoming Performance? Here’s Why Practicing More Might Not Be the Answer.
I was watching blogger Tim Urban’s TED talk about procrastination with my kids this morning, and we all laughed at the part where he described the panic monster, because I think we’ve all experienced the elevated level of stress and anxiety that kicks in as a deadline approaches. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something that happens, perhaps no matter how well prepared we are, where about a week or two out from a performance or audition, there’s an increase in these nagging, repetitive, negative thoughts as the impending moment of truth draws nearer. Like an escalating series
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How to get back your creative spark after suffering months of 'lockdown brain fog'
We all thought we'd achieve so much during the lockdowns. Without distractions like pubs, cinema and general socialising, we'd be free to start new side projects, brush up on our software skills, maybe...
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On understanding what inspires you
Trans singer/songwriter ANJIMILE on music as spiritual transcendence, how his songs write him, and simply being happy to be alive.
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The pipe organ rocks
or how improv organ is not just for blues players any more. "Modal Toccata"
+4 +1
5 Ways to Overcome the Creative Blues
Every artist experiences the downturn of inspiration at some point. Try these five pointers to get you on the way back to creativity.
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On striving to remain an amateur
Artist Katherine Ball discusses apprenticing with nature, being an ecosystem, and remaining curious as well as optimistic.
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On finding harmony in your daily life and creative work
Designer, illustrator, and Kickstarter CEO Aziz Hasan discusses ditching balance, making time for creative work, why mistakes can be useful, and the importance of personal projects.
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The Invaluable Trait that Helps You Make the Most of Any Situation in Life
Resourcefulness is the 'X' factor. Find out what it is, and how to develop an invaluable trait that will help you make the most of any situation in life.
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Of Holidays and Puppy Love
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Papercut Inspired by the Dinagyang Festival
In his last series, the artist Patrick Cabral created impressive papercut pieces. They were inspired by the Dinagyang Festival that occurs in the Philippines, w
+15 +1
Blog about what you've struggled with
Blog about what you've struggled with
+3 +1
The Patron Saint of Struggling Authors
More Thoughts on the Life and Times of Rev. Robert Stephen Hawker Last week, I mused on the pranks and practices of Robert Stephen Hawker , ...
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How To Create Mood in Landscape Painting
Learn how to create mood in painting. This step by step landscape demo teaches how to create high, low, and middle key paintings.
+15 +1
Backyard Squirrel Maze 2.0- The Walnut Heist
This is definately an upgrade and worth watching.
+1 +1
15 Movies about Dance & Freedom during the Pandemic
In the Films.Dance project choreographer Jacob Jonas celebrates dance as an act of freedom and communion through 15 films posted on Instagram. An idea that is a
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Creative Doldrums - don't let them fool you
After a big creative project, I often experience a downturn in my motivation. What's the remedy for this?
+17 +1
The dangers of public philosophy according to Leo Strauss
In his essay ‘Persecution and the Art of Writing’ (1941), the political philosopher Leo Strauss painted a picture of intellectual life that should offend me as a person with political commitments to democracy and egalitarianism, and philosophical commitments to pluralism and against monism, yet I return to it again and again. I want to understand why.
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