+26 +1
Scientists Reinvent Chocolate With Secret Ingredient – It's Healthier And Less Wasteful
To make the signature flavor palatable as a sweet treat, chocolate manufacturers combine a paste made from cacao seeds with sugar. Lots and lots of sugar – often enough to rival all the other ingredients combined, in fact.
+30 +1
Chocolate prices soar as cost of cocoa rises 25%
World heads into a potential third year of supply deficit as major growing regions inundated by flooding
+14 +1
You’re Wrong About White Chocolate
Whether it’s “real” chocolate doesn’t matter (and for the record, it is). For chocolatiers, butchers, and creative home chefs, white chocolate is whatever you want it to be.
+17 +2
Cocoa shown to reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness in first real-life study
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+17 +1
Hershey's Commits to Launching Plant-Based Chocolate
Hershey's plant-based chocolate could be coming soon. The candy giant announced its plans to launch vegan options in the near future.
+4 +1
The real price of our delicious chocolate? Rampant deforestation and child labor
Chocolate sure is good but the cocoa farming industry has some dark secrets, including its deforestation and child labor practices.
+7 +1
DoubleTree shared its secret chocolate chip cookie recipe, and it contains fresh lemon juice
The cookie is famous for being the first food to be baked in orbit on the International Space Station
+19 +1
This Type of Chocolate May Help Prevent Depression
New research finds that dark chocolate could reduce the risk of depression.
+3 +1
The Delicious, Ancient History of Chocolate and Vanilla
Archaeologists are discovering that two of the world’s most prized flavors have a much richer history than we thought.
+4 +1
People who eat dark chocolate less likely to be depressed
Eating dark chocolate may positively affect mood and relieve depressive symptoms, finds a new UCL-led study looking at whether different types of chocolate are associated with mood disorders.
+3 +1
The cacao cult: why chocolate is hot right now
Now it’s a superfood, but pre-Columbian civilisations thought it was a divine gift. Kieran Dahl joins some worshippers at a ceremony in Brooklyn
+30 +1
Chocolate giant Cadbury ‘still pushing orangutans towards extinction'
Destruction likely to be just the tip of the iceberg, campaigners warn
+13 +1
Made-to-order KitKat store opens in Japan
Nestle opens a made-to-order chocolate shop called KitKat Chocolatory in Osaka, Japan.
+18 +1
Sweet discovery: New UBC study pushes back the origins of chocolate
As Halloween revelers prepare to feast on chocolate, a new study from an international team of researchers, including the University of British Columbia, is pushing back the origins of the delicious sweet treat. The study, published online today in Nature Ecology & Evolution, suggests that cacao—the plant from which chocolate is made—was domesticated, or grown by people for food, around 1,500 years earlier than previously thought. In addition, the researchers found cacao was originally domesticated in South America, rather than in Central America.
+17 +1
Your brain values chocolate over cheese
Humans place a high premium on foods that contain both fats and sugars.
+24 +1
Tanker Spills Liquid Chocolate All Over Highway in Poland
Firefighters used hot water to wash off the sticky brown goo that poured over a main road between Warsaw and Poznan on Wednesday.
+17 +1
This is the environmental impact of your Easter egg
Those concerned about the rampant consumerism of religious holidays now have another thing to consider – the environmental impact of Easter eggs. Not only has Easter egg packaging been deemed excessive in a new report, analysis by a team of scientists at the University of Manchester has revealed the huge carbon footprint associated with chocolate production.
+33 +1
The dark truth about chocolate
Grand health claims have been made about chocolate, but while it gives us pleasure, can it really be good for us?
+15 +1
Why you might want to rethink chocolate eggs this Easter
There's another reason you might feel guilty about your Easter egg binge — more water is used to produce chocolate than any other food product, a university expert is warning.
+7 +2
How to Sell a $300 Chocolate Bar
Follow the wine playbook.
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