
Which celebrity do you most dislike and why?

As for me, I can't stand Kim Kardashian. She provides nothing of value to the world just like Paris Hilton.

9 years ago by doodlegirl with 16 comments

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  • Chubros

    Kanye West and mostly because of shit like this

    • drunkenninja

      I still remember how hard I cringed when I saw that for the first time. What a dick.

  • sushmonster

    Bill Cosby for obvious reasons.

    • yuriburi

      Sad that all this happened at this point in his life.

  • idlethreat

    And if I had a gun, with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, Seth Rogen, and Terri Hatcher I would shoot Hitler and Bin Laden and take my time throttling Terri and Seth to death. Some days I fantasize about Terri first, other days, it's Seth. In any case, the world will be rid of four talentless monsters and I will be hailed as a hero.

    • drunkenninja

      So what you're saying is you would give the painless deaths to two of the worlds biggest monsters and then you would slowly beat two bad actors to death by pistol whipping them? That's some dark deep seeded hate for those two!

      • idlethreat

        So what you're saying is you would give the painless deaths to two of the worlds biggest monsters...

        You obviously haven't had to sit through an episode of Desperate Housewives.

  • tehdiplomat

    For whatever reason Julianne Moore annoys me a fair amount. I often joke that my favorite part of a movie is when her character dies. Unrelated, I really loved Children of Men.

  • ttubravesrock

    I don't know. I just racked my brain for afew minutes and couldn't think of an answer.

  • manix

    Adam fucking Sandler.

  • jaythesnay

    I know it it is crazy but there is just something about Jeremy Renner's face. It just looks like a potato.