  • Cheski

    I have had some horrible luck over the past decade of getting great jobs... great jobs that turn into shitshows within 2-3 years. Company restructuring, collapsing, buy-out, lay-off, you name it.

    Today... I am at a job I love. I work for someone I respect and who respects me. I honestly don't think I could be happier with my job. I no longer work 60-80 hours a week as I did for the previous 5 years before getting this job. Family Life/Work balance achieved.

    You can't get that time back with your family that you lose while working, even if you love that job. You will not wish you had worked more when lying on your deathbed.

    ProTip: Invest yourself in the people you work with. You will build bridges and make some great friends.

    Congrats /u/schrodingersman on finding something that you can enjoy doing. I sincerely am happy for you.

    • schrodingersman

      Thanks I really appreciate that. I agree completely with having a work life balance. I learned that young from watching a good friend constantly spend time at work or working from home on the weekends. He makes a ton of money and has advanced quickly up the corporate ladder, but he doesn't get to spend much time with his wife. He doesn't get to spend a whole lot of that money doing anything because it's always work work work. One part of this job is that nine times out of ten I get out of work at 4:30 at the latest. I go in a bit earlier which is fine as I'm a morning person anyway. It allows me the freedom to spend tons of time with my family.