[Question] What would YOU like to see in this tribe? *IMPORTANT PLEASE READ
Pretty self-explanatory. However, as we keep growing, I would like to know what people have as ideas for the tribe. I have some of my own, but please share any ideas that you have as well!
- Daily Themed Discussions
Each day of the week we would have a themed discussion (e.g. Music Mondays, Selfie Saturdays, etc.) stuff like that.
- Tagged Posts
Tagging your posts as [Meta], [Discussion], [Question], etc.
If you have any ideas of your own, or if you like these ideas, please share in the comments!
9 years ago by massani
Join the Discussion
Really I just want more posts to comment on! A daily or weekly discussion would be perfect
I'll keep that in mind! I may end up doing discussion posts every other day until we get a larger community. It would also be nice if other people created discussion posts too.
Thanks for the suggestion though ortsac!
Can there be a post to vent/crowd source general irritants of the day/week?
I'd feel like a Debbie Downer making a post inviting people to vent about long days out of thin air.
Great suggestion! We could do something like that. Do you have a specific day in mind?
Wednesday for all the Wednesday kids!
Should we allow links at all? There's an option to only allow discussions. This tribe seems like a good candidate for a discussion-only status.