  • Moderator

    I wonder if we can hold book readings for both fiction and nonfiction. Since one book takes up a whole month, I think there's plenty of room for two, and it would attract far more users. I know there aren't many of us at this point, but I still think it'd boost involvement — those uninterested in one option can try the other, without having to wait a whole month to take part. The inherent disparity in genres may even draw readers to both.

    What do you think?

    • Cheesemangeur

      Yes, I'm very happy read a book from a challenge, but I am not much for reading non-fiction. If we can have two sections on the same theme, one non-fiction and one fiction, I would be a bit more involved and get at least one of the books to read.

      • Moderator

        Yeah, thanks for making my point :)

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