  • Xeno

    This is interesting, because I've been hearing that the purpose of Reddit's downvote button is the same as Snapzu but with the sheer userbase that Reddit has the downvote's function became bastardized over time.

    This could easily happen here at Snapzu with the influx of members.

    • SevenTales

      Exactly what I was about to say. The reddiquette essentially is the same as it is here, but over time, the people started using it as a disagree button, even though a lot of subs discourage it a lot.

      • Wenjarich

        Although it never asked for a reason to be given, which I believe adds the extra question to thenuser as to whether they want to do this. Plus with it being the exact opposite symbol to the upvote it's not hard to imagine how the association developed.

        Although is it possible to add, "don't like comment" as a reason. If they click this it lights up their button and does nothing. Haha nah just teasing :P

    • Xendeth

      Reddit's downvote serves the exact same purpose as Snapzu's. It has, as you said, been bastardized to being a "you suck" button, essentially. Still occasionally used for "off topic" marker, but overall just crap.

      • Wenjarich

        Although it never asked for a reason to be given, which I believe adds the extra question to the user as to whether they want to do this. Plus with it being the exact opposite symbol to the upvote it's not hard to imagine how the association developed.

      • Zeus (edited 8 years ago)

        It has, as you said, been bastardized to being a "you suck" button

        Haha, you have a quite way with words. I agree, and haven't heard it put so well.