  • Boop

    I'm glad to see that the reason functionality will be expanded to all other votable elements.

    I would like the reason selection to be a required action before a down vote can be cast. Obviously abuse of this system will still happen, but a required reason will at least get the user to re-think why they are down voting. Because the down vote button should only be used when necessary, it should be somewhat difficult for the user to perform. When it is an easy action, it is natural for it to be used as a disagree button.

    One other idea that I would love people's opinion on is if the user who got down voted, should they receive a notification explaining the reasoning behind it? Would it be helpful for a notification to pop-up, such as:

    Your comment has received a down vote for reason: "Blatant Spam"

    I know lots of comments get edited to say:

    Edit: Just got a few down votes for this post. What the hell, why?

    I think the user who got down voted deserves to know. Opinions?

    Lastly, thank you admins for all the hard work you are putting into this system. I appreciate your attentiveness to our voices and I look forward to seeing Snapzu improve and grow.

    • Xeno

      I think there should be a required reason given when downvoting... and not only for snaps, for everything. The information should be public and it maybe should be reversible. If enough users look at the downvote reason and reverse it, it goes away. I know this is a really complicated system... but just brainstorming.

      • Boop

        By public, do you mean having the reason visible by that comment/snap for other user's to view?

        I don't think that is a very good idea. If my comment was down voted for being "Off-topic" and that reason was displayed beside it, every time a user reads my comment they will also see that it was marked as "Off-topic". They may have not initially thought my comment was "Off-topic", but because the system displayed that message, subconsciously they were suggested that it is "Off-topic". Basically, if a down vote reason is made public, I think it may inadvertently encourage more down votes.

        • Xeno

          Same way that you have to inquire about your downvote reasons now, by clicking then it appearing, it would appear for anyone else. So unless someone was curious as to why your post was downvoted, they wouldn't see it. I see what you're saying, but I think the benefit would outweigh the "herding" mentality you're talking about.