
How do you folks deal with negative comments?

I've feel like I've always been bad at taking criticism. I always take things to heart. And believe it or not I've never had a negative comment until now. Someone just told me that my most popular article, by a landslide, is complete crap and it's just clickbait and she suggests I fix it. Almost in a threatening way.

What should I do? Should I respond? Ignore her? Thanks!

5 years ago by Rozza with 5 comments

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  • drunkenninja (edited 5 years ago)

    Kill em with kindness, thank them for their criticism and let them know it's what fuels you to keep improving your craft. Also, be sure to engage them publicly, and ask her to list a few points where your work needs improvement. Chances are, she will likely not respond, as she is just a jealous troll, but if she does, you will get some very valuable criticism. Either way, it's a win win!


  • rishard

    First rule of creating: There will always be haters. Don't stress about it and keep on truckin'.

    • Rozza

      Someone else told me this too. Thanks for replying!

  • pundot

    Agree with richard. It's inevitable, and you're actually lucky it didn't happen earlier. I got my first hater on like the same day I started my blog.

  • FF88

    Probably just a troll.