
I find more and more blogs are removing their publish date from their posts.

When did not putting a publish date on blog posts become so popular? I find it very off-putting and avoid those posts since I have no idea if I'm reading current information or something from 10 years ago. I don't want to read information from 2005, and information changes too much too fast in most things for undated posts. Am I missing something with this trend?

6 years ago by shwarber with 11 comments

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  • paddystacks

    I was actually thinking about this the other day. Nothing worse than reading a big long post about SEO or any other complicated topic and then getting to the end and seeing the dates on the comments are 2010... Ughhh waste of time!

    • shwarber

      Are you saying that you don't like reading about an obsolete search algorithm that's been replaced by google 3x since?

      • drunkenninja

        Some articles age better than others. SEO is definitely a topic that ages poorly!

        • AdelleChattre

          About as well as similar hucksterism, like inducements to join multi-level marketing schemes or pick-up artist seduction techniques.

  • drunkenninja

    I think bloggers generally think that removing the publish date will make their post more sharable on social media. Without the date, people can market it on twitter, facebook with the hope that readers not knowing the date will default to thinking it's current and share it on their profiles.

    • NinjaKlaus

      This is most likely, nothing is worse than accidentally liking something on Facebook for some unknown reason and then seeing posts by that page every day until you start to notice that they repost the same article every two days.

  • gotivAa

    Agreed. It's an instant turn-off for me and if I can't instantly find the date of publishing I close the tab.

    • Borska

      Same. I don't have time for trickery or games. If I can't find the date I just skip the post altogether. Glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed by it.

  • SunAnvil

    When blogs do this it's so obvious that they just want to hide the fact that it's not updated often. Oh well, their loss.

  • theway

    I also hide my post dates but now you got me thinking LOL :D

  • xXwraithXx

    I like my blog posts like I like my yogurt. With a date stamp so I know it's FRESH!