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  • Unspecified
    9 years ago
    by fewt
    +1 +1

    The single most essential concept an outdoor cook needs to understand is the importance of temperature control and how to use a 2-zone setup and/or indirect cooking.

  • Video/Audio
    10 years ago
    by KondoR
    +18 +2

    B&P Cook Out

    A BBQ like you’ve never seen before: London-based creative duo Bompas & Parr has staged a cook out on an artificial volcano and within a high voltage laboratory, searing their steaks in seconds with lava and lightning.

  • How-to
    10 years ago
    by chunkymonkey
    +19 +1

    Grilled Whole Fish

    Grilling a whole fish is the final frontier of mastering the modern grill. If using fresh woody herbs, such as rosemary and thyme, save the sprigs after you pluck off the leaves and toss them onto ...

  • How-to
    10 years ago
    by chunkymonkey
    +17 +2

    20 Must-Make Dishes for Your Memorial Day BBQ

    Oh, summer, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways. First, there's the weather, giving us every excuse to splurge on a new swimsuit (or three). Then there's the results of the weather, which hopefully for a majority of us means a gorgeous, bronze-colored tan and not a painful sunburn