+15 +1
Two C64s Plus a Pile of Floppy Disks Equals One Accordion
The Commodordion is played just like a traditional instrument
+16 +4
The Many Colours of Sound
White noise isn’t the only sonic hue—pink, blue, gray, and brown all affect listeners in different ways.
+23 +3
First look at Chromecast Audio
There's an old saying in the manufacturing world: Don't reinvent the dongle. Or maybe it was a wheel or something. In any case, it should be little surprise that Chromecast Audio — Google's low-cost answer to the problem of streaming your music easily all over your home — essentially is on the outside the exact same device as the new Chromecast (erm, Video).
+24 +5
A Wall of Sound: How The Grateful Dead Built the First Modern Concert PA System and the Second Largest to Date.
+1 +1
Pro Tools 12.1 - Don't Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth
"This latest release of Pro Tools 12 may not meet the needs of all Avid's complex customer base in one go, that's nigh on impossible, but many of us shouldn't look a gift-horse in the mouth." Great summary of the situation with AVID as of late.
+1 +1
Avid Technology : Introducing Pro Tools 12.1. Record Your Heart Out with Powerful Recording Workflows and Even More Tracks. | 4-Traders
Pricing and availability Pro Tools 12.1 is available today, June 30th, at no charge for all customers who have an active Avid upgrade plan. Customers who own older versions of... | June 30, 2015
+12 +1
Multiplexing Tautophone, robotic audio spotlight
The parametric loudspeaker, commonly referred to as an “audio spotlight” (from the name of the product that popularized the technology), has been one of the most discussed audio innovations in recent years. It is based on the principle of acoustic heterodyning...
+14 +1
The original mixtape? Conjoined piano rolls
Long before there were cassette tapes or even reel-to-reel there were... player piano rolls.
+3 +1
Podcast 'patent troll' faces blow after US ruling
A company that claimed fees from podcasters who publish audio and video on their own websites has suffered a patent-ruling defeat. The decision could potentially prevent Personal Audio LLC legally requiring media groups to pay it if they update their sites to show new episodes. The Texas-based company had previously targeted US firms including CBS, NBC and Fox.
+19 +3
Ignore the Audiophiles. Neil Young’s PonoPlayer Sounds No Better Than an iPhone.
When Neil Young announced his plan to design a better portable music player, it sounded like a marvelous ambition. His Kickstarter appeal quickly lured $6.2 million in hopeful backing, with Young declaring he was on a quest “to revive the magic that has been squeezed out of digital music.”
+8 +3
An exclusive look at Bragi's ambitious smart headphones
Eleven months ago an audacious Kickstarter campaign promised a sports headphone like nothing we'd ever seen before. Bragi's spec sheet for "The Dash" read like a ridiculous wish list. There was touch control, two separate ear buds (that connect to each other wirelessly, as well as to your phone), 4GB of onboard storage, 3.5-hours battery life and a self-contained media player. That's impressive enough, but Bragi didn't stop there.
+19 +1
Phantom Terrains
Streams of wireless data surge from internet exchanges and cellphone relays, flowing from routers to our devices and back again. This saturation of data has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, yet it is completely invisible to us. What would it mean to develop an additional sense which makes us continuously attuned to the invisible data topographies that pervade the city streets?
+17 +1
EyeMusic demonstrator
The EyeMusic is a tool that provides visual information through a musical auditory experience. The EyeMusic technology is being developed by Amir Amedi's Lab at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
+12 +1
Samsung Unveils Curved Speaker to Join Its Line of Curved Smart TVs
Samsung has unveiled a new kind of curved speaker that perfectly complements its line of curved televisions.
+20 +2
Vocal Fry May Undermine the Success of Young Women in the Labor Market
Vocal fry is speech that is low pitched and creaky sounding, and is increasingly common among young American females. Some argue that vocal fry enhances speaker labor market perceptions while others argue that vocal fry is perceived negatively and can damage job prospects.
+7 +2
How Apple’s CarPlay could save the car stereo industry
CarPlay — which is currently only available in new models from Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz, and Volvo (though it is expected to expand to other manufacturers soon) — will allow drivers to control music and certain phone functions with either Siri or built-in infotainment controls. Phone calls, text messages, and voice mails can all be handled through Siri, which will operate through verbal prompting.
+3 +2
Wakeboarding tower and audio install on a 1988 Ski Nautique 2001
This is what I do for a living. This was a custom install on an old wakeboarding boat. Almost everything you see is new. The tower, speakers, upholstery (not done by me), subwoofer, and the amps you don't see all took a little over ten days to do from start to finish. The end result: 1,000 clean watts of power for six speakers and a 12" subwoofer. Good for blasting tunes while you're out riding or for pissing off fisherman.
+4 +3
How an alternator's AC output is converted into DC voltage your car can use
Most of you drive cars everyday; commuting to work, running errands, what-have-you. Maybe some of you don't. Maybe you have chauffeurs carting you around while you contemplate the finer things in life, like what it would be like to own a private jet with a big picture of yourself painted on the side. This does not concern you. I'm just going to explain how an alternator works.
+9 +3
What a difference a few decades make...
I'm pretty new here, but given what's happening elsewhere on the web, I have a feeling this place is going to get quite a traffic boost. Found this old ad in a school I've been attending for audio classes. Apologies for the terrible photo quality. For a first post it's a little boring, but whatever. Check out /t/audiotechs if you're interested in home or car audio, or anything audio really. Just started it today, but hopefully there's some interested folks out there.
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