  • frohawk

    They should have put you in boarding school. I personally found it very freeing, even though everyone tells me it was super strict.

    Snacks everywhere, and during breaks, sleepovers with the friends who stayed! Also movies night (both "allowed" movies and not).

    Honestly, it was strict, but if you worked the rules, you could really bond with people, which looks like your home was lacking?

    • pixelboot

      I definitely would have preferred boarding school. All of these rules lasted up until the day I moved out (I know, they sound like somewhat reasonable rules for maybe an 8 year old, but imagine being 17 and trying to explain to your friends why you can't come to any parties). Also, my parents drinking habits made the whole experience that much more stressful.

      My home was very much lacking support, but I think it also might be why me and my brothers are so close.