
How old is Snapzu?

Title says it all!

11 years ago by Bulldog37 with 5 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    I've been using the site in its "beta" form since December of 2012. A quick search on alexa show the site existing in its pre-beta form since 2011.

    • Bulldog37

      thanks! Why do you think the site is so "unknown"

      • drunkenninja

        Your guess is as good as mine.

      • Outset

        Probably because it's been promoted via word of mouth up to now, and a gigantic influx of users came from a mention of it on reddit?

  • ladyliberty

    I jumped in late 2012 when it was still a closed beta. However I do recall some accounts being from Aug or Sept 2012 so that makes it about 15 months old or so. However, this is just speculation as I have nothing to do with the site or the organization running it.