Bulldog37's feed
11 years agoAchievement Bulldog37
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations Bulldog37 on this achievement!
+2730 XP -
11 years agoLevel Up Bulldog37
Level 5
Bulldog37 is now level 5 with 10,010 XP.
View Unlocks- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 4.
- Custom Banner You now have the ability to upload your own custom profile banner.
11 years agoAchievement Bulldog37
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations Bulldog37 on this achievement!
+1090 XP -
11 years agoComment Bulldog37
Well shit, I am only this year getting myself a PS3 :/
Posted in: 50 Years, 50 Toys
11 years agoAchievement Bulldog37
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations Bulldog37 on this achievement!
+1090 XP -
11 years ago
I use my laptop for most of those things and have no problem with it. I am more worried about mobile "only" apps like twitter, instagram, snapchat, ect. And my 8GB iPod does the job but I am constantly having to delete apps because of the limited memory. Thanks for the reply!
Posted in: First iPad Mini vs. Retina: No contest
11 years ago
Do you think it was worth the $399-$699? I have been wanting to get a tablet for a while but for my needs I don't think I would need that expensive of a product. What do you use yours for? How do you think it would compare to a cheaper android tablet?
Posted in: First iPad Mini vs. Retina: No contest
11 years agoComment Bulldog37
Really puts things into perspective
Posted in: Take me home
11 years agoComment Bulldog37
Wow! I am really happy now! Thanks!
Posted in: Find the Others
11 years ago
It is. If people are willing to KILL each other over a $5 toaster on black friday, what will they do for drugs or food in a disaster situation?
Posted in: Zombie movies vs. reality
11 years agoLevel Up Bulldog37
Level 4
Bulldog37 is now level 4 with 6,615 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 10 to a total of 40.
- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for the banner of any of your tribes.
11 years agoAchievement Bulldog37
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations Bulldog37 on this achievement!
+810 XP -
11 years agoComment Bulldog37
You have to wonder: Are those people really screaming and yelling because they actually love their leader? Or are they screaming and yelling because they have been brainwashed? Or maybe they scream because they know that the secret police is watching their every move and will send them to a labor camp if they do not show passion for the dear leader.
11 years agoAchievement Bulldog37
Rock Star
Followed by 10/10 members! Congratulations Bulldog37 on this achievement!
+1615 XP -
11 years agoAchievement Bulldog37
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations Bulldog37 on this achievement!
+810 XP -
11 years ago
I came from reddit as well. One thing to mention, there aren't as many "novelty" tribes or subreddits here. I hope you enjoy it!
11 years ago
people on reddit have been talking of a reddit successor...
Posted in: Snapzu Windows 8.1 app?
11 years agoLevel Up Bulldog37
Level 3
Bulldog37 is now level 3 with 3,020 XP.
View Unlocks- Pattern Banner You now have the ability to select a pattern for your profile banner.
11 years ago
So are AK47s :/
Posted in: Who runs Snapzu?
11 years agoAchievement Bulldog37
Media Mogul
Published 2/2 current event snaps! Congratulations Bulldog37 on this achievement!
+525 XP -
11 years agoCurrent Event Bulldog37
China sends fighter jets to new defense zone
China ramped up a standoff with the U.S., Japan and South Korea over its air defense zone by sending jets over disputed islands.
11 years agoAchievement Bulldog37
Eagle Eye
Following 20/20 members! Congratulations Bulldog37 on this achievement!
+525 XP -
11 years agoCurrent Event Bulldog37
Canadian feds seeking firm to 'continuously' monitor tweets, Facebook posts
The federal government is seeking a firm that "continuously monitors social media content on a daily basis in near real time and provide web-based, online media metrics and reporting capabilities."
11 years agoText Post Bulldog37
My homework-music-web station
discuss in posted into
11 years ago
thanks! Why do you think the site is so "unknown"
Posted in: How old is Snapzu?