  • b1ackbird (edited 9 years ago)

    Often I go for a jog (though Real Life has barred a lot of that lately), play games (as many have suggested), but my all time most useful and dependable way of dealing with being down in the dumps is my meditation practice.

    I know it may sound crazy to some, but it's helped make me a much more centered & overall happier person. I dealt with a lot of emotional issues growing up (depression, binge drinking, cutting, etc) and dealt with these into my adult life too. When I started meditiating I realized that I'm responsible for my emotional well-being. I started analyzing my own thought processes and learning more and more about why I respond to certain stimuli in a negative way. This helped me conquer similar situations in the future because I gave myself the tools I needed to cope and grow.

    I hope that helps. If you're interested in learning more feel free to message me, or head over to /t/mindfulness!

    edit: spellcheck!