
What's a weird rule you live by?

8 years ago by 90boss with 17 comments

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Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • DrunkOldMan

    NEVER trust anyone, friends, co-workers, strangers, family, anybody!! I guess what I'm saying is be skeptical of everyone you deal with in life.

    • staxofmax (edited 8 years ago)

      I live by a variance of this; people always operate in accordance with their own rules and motivations which are not required to be in alignment with my own. I've noticed that once I know what a person wants, how bad they want it, and by what rules they generally adhere to to obtain it, they become fairly predictable.

      Edit: not predictable per say, rather whatever they do is unlikely to be unexpected or surprising.

    • drunkenninja

      Was everyone in on it?

      • DrunkOldMan

        Yeh, something about alcohol consumption intervention, bastards!!! (Joke) Hahaaa.... Guess I meant it to be, more self aware of dealing with people in general, seems to work for me, as time goes on you to sometimes question what peoples motivations and true intentions are. There are exceptions of course.

    • fred

      my only exception to this is my wife....

    • marenmor

      Me too! I believe everyone has an agenda. Oh, the paranoia.

  • OnlySlightly

    Let everything you do and think about at work, stay at work. I take it to extremes though, like not even drinking the same energy drink that I drink at work when I'm at home. Anything that reminds me of work is removed so I can seperate the two worlds and be stress free and not bothered by it when I'm at home.

    • pseudopsynic

      This is a great idea!

      I need to incorporate this rule in my life.

    • staxofmax

      I take a hard line on this too. Recently I went on vacation and made it generally known I was turning off my email on my phone and would not be answering any phone calls. Some people took that the same as if I left a big steaming pile of shit on their desk.

      Unfortunately, the reality is the second anyone knows that you're available on weekends or vacations for any reason or for any duration no matter how brief then its like the floodgates open. You make one exception and then for some reason your availability is expected from then on out and if you try to retract that availability people will think you owe them an explanation. It's impossible to unring that bell. Believe me, I fell into that trap before with a previous employer. So now I have an iron curtain separating my home and work life.

      I see a lot of younger employees falling into the same trap I did and it's hard to watch. You need to set hard boundaries or people are going to walk all over you.

    • mcsmitheslc

      This has been the only way I stay sane. If only health care providers can do it too.

  • jenjen1352

    Twos. I can't just have one biscuit, I must have two. This applies to most small things eg I have two tiny trolls that my son bought me from a slot machine. When other people offer me a sweet, I just say no, regretfully.

  • septimine

    Slow down and think. I tend to rush sometimes.

    • DrunkOldMan

      I still rush without thinking, though not as much as I use to and then worry about the fall out of my decisions after the fact, messy!!

  • Fooferhill

    Never put shoes on a table. Always have toilet paper with the next sheet over top of role not under against wall. Take a jacket/jumper whenever you leave home.

  • spectregris

    Try to never say anything bad out loud for fear that the universe will make it come true, thanks grandma for that quirk.

  • ClarkKent

    No matter my mood, I treat people how I would want to be treated. I have no rage when driving, and I forgive people with 5 seconds of cutting me off or making a rather dangerous move.

    • DrunkOldMan

      Yeh there are soooooo many bad drivers and just plain bad driving habits, all I can do is flash them a thumbs up, while shaking my head and laughing.