  • KingAztek

    American Football: Field Goals from 55+ yards are worth 4 points. This would place a premium on kickers that can kick far and accurately, and perhaps bring some new strategy into the game.

    Football: Radical idea, but I'd say add another player. This way teams can heavily favor offense or defense if they so please.

    Basketball: Less timeouts. It's extremely annoying to have potentially 12 times be called within the last 30 seconds of a half.

    Baseball: No DH. I vehemently believe that of you're on the field, you also have to bat (fight me, AL fans).

    Hockey: 4 on 4 be the default. A power play would result in an additional 5th player being added, as opposed to a player being removed. This would simply just make the game even more exciting to watch, and perhaps increase its popularity.

    • picklefingers

      Taking your American Football idea to basketball, I've always believed that shooting from half-court should be worth four-points. I think it might make some of the mid-court interaction more interesting because then people wouldn't be running to the other side as quickly because they can't just imagine that guy who is really good at shooting half-court shots.

      • mathematical

        Go one step further and make it 5 points from inside the opponent's paint.

        BTW picklefingers, you're my invite grandfather. You invited the person who invited me. :)