  • ChrisTyler

    There should be a rule in Basketball where, if a player takes more than two steps without dribbling the ball, it's foul.

    On a more serious note, I'd get rid of ties in football: If you exhaust overtime, you play sudden-death until there's a winner.

    • oystein

      There was something like that in Football, "Golden goal" they called it, but for some reason it did not stick. I think it's better than a penality competition which has little to nothing to do with the football game itself.

      • ChrisTyler

        Sorry for the confusion, I'm talking about the NFL. American Football.

        • oystein

          Oh well. I didn't think American Football was as goalless as soccer can be.

    • jmcs

      There were some leagues that already tried to football without ties, it doesn't had anything to the sport, it even subtracts in cases were teams try to win by attrition instead of actually trying to play well.

      • ChrisTyler

        Sorry for the confusion, I'm talking about the NFL. American Football.

        • jmcs

          I didn't know American Football had ties. I never cared much about it and all most American friends complain about ties in soccer/football so it seemed "obvious" that the most popular sport in America didn't have them. TIL