
What is the one major fault of the human body?


8 years ago by Apolatia with 24 comments

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  • idlethreat

    I think Neil deGrasse Tyson said it best, so I'll let him say it

    And what comedian configured the region between our legsā€”an entertainment complex built around a sewage system?

  • DrunkOldMan

    As you age, things head south and most annoying is the weird blooming of hair that wasn't growing or exist in younger years, also staying in decent shape is fricken harder than hell.

  • ckshenn

    Teeth. Why do they rot away if not taken care of?

    • remez

      And why two sets? You grow one set of teeth, then they fall out and another set grows in its place - and that's it?

      • DrunkOldMan

        Then most the time you still have to yank out wisdom teeth so it's like oops now you have too many???

      • Brandon816 (edited 8 years ago)

        There are genetic abnormalities that allow you to have more than two, possibilities being both an extra set of adult teeth and an early set of child teeth that you can actually be born with. It's basically like the lamest X-men mutation of all time.

        • remez

          What about never-ending teeth? :) One falls out another grows in its place... That would be nice.

  • zyrthofar

    Most of the answers here will boil down to: The inability to regenerate.

    I wish I could be like Wolverine :D.

    • remez

      It's not that we have no ability to regenerate. Small cuts on our skin regenerate perfectly. We just need much more of it.

  • remez

    The major fault, I think, is body's inability to communicate clearly with conscious mind. I'm not sure whether it's body's or mind's fault though.

    But just imagine your body reporting its status clearly:

    - illnesses, blood clots and tumors reported at the very start, when they are easier to heal

    - nutrition requirements, even in the form of "which foods do I need today"

    - overheating and lack of hydration reported long before you faint from it

    - when exercising, knowing the optimal program your body needs today

    - stress levels report

    People would be much healthier, if we had this constant, clear, immediate feedback.

  • xg549

    Everything is irreplacable. Why can't the body just be an awesome biological machine with interchangeable parts? Lost an arm? Attach a new one! Got your brain blown out? No problem, we've grew one in the lab last week. It works for factory equipment and computers. Just not living things. Boring.

    • idlethreat

      Well, in evolution's defense, we do have a good number of spares... Two kidneys, Two eyes, two ears, two arms and legs, two lungs, bespoke fingers, toes, not to mention gobs of extra skin and bones to fashion replacement parts if need be. I know it's not quite the "grow replacements" stage yet, but we're getting there

  • Fooferhill

    The bridge of the nose being susceptible to being banged. The pain from a decent whack there is unbelievable. Don't know how many times I got a baby headbut. And it's kept front and centre of the face -right where it will be hit.

    • Boudicca

      My youngest has a head like a granite boulder. I am very wary of him when he's lying next to me.

  • a7h13f

    Sinuses. Just. Sinuses. I've had four sinus surgeries, I've been on and off every brand of allergy medication, both otc and prescription. I still suffer from horrible sinus infections, bad allergies, and wake up a couple of mornings a week puking up sinus drainage.

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  • lostwonder

    The blind spot in our eyes. If there is a way to wire our eyes to eliminate that flaw, it would be great.

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  • ttubravesrock

    only one elbow per arm. our fingers have three joints each. why cant our arms?