  • RoMS (edited 8 years ago)

    Back when I was a small kid around 2002 and 2003, when internet was a novel thing in my family and my circle of young friends, I stumbled upon the very shady website called "StickDeath" or "Stick of Death" which only comprised stick-men flash animations.

    Thinking about it now, it was very racist (the animations antagonized green stick-men versus blue stick-men), gory, crude and badly done animation but, oh god, did I laugh with my friends on this website.

    EDIT: Otherwise I'd say all those old timy-timey websites from the end of 90s or early 00s filled with badly done AMVs blaring some The Offprings tunes while covering badass fights from Dragon Ball Z and GT.

    • drunkenninja

      Oh I remember stick death, those were the days. The skit I remember best is the Anti Theft for cars.

      • RoMS

        "whiplash + blaring radio music", such a classic!