
Let's do it the other way around, post a response and someone else will provide the question.

9 years ago by redalastor with 32 comments

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  • Teska

    The head was wrong.

    • schrodingersman

      Why did you leave your ex?

    • AinBaya (edited 9 years ago)

      What happened when you thought with the other head?

  • Snazzy

    A complete breakfast

    • Smiley (edited 9 years ago)

      Snapzu, what should i name my unhatched chicken? :D

      • idlethreat

        Oh, man. I laughed out loud. Perfect execution.

  • Smiley

    A smile :)

    • AinBaya

      [Serious] Snapzu, what can a clown do that scares you?

      • Wenjarich (edited 9 years ago)

        Ok seriously, what is up with clowns? Why do people like them? They are super super creepy. Like I'm not sure if you could call my view on them a phobia so much as a reasonable assessment of the situation. I mean the faces they paint on themselves, you'll only really see any kind of equivalent in horror/thriller movies (not mentioning the actual clown movies). Almost every clown I have seen in real life has shown body language of someone who absolutely hates life. The outfits they put on, with all the disproportionate sizes depict distorted beings again the likes of which would only ever feature in horror movies. Some of the most disturbing monsters in movies tend to have human likeness with horribly warped features but they're apparently fine when bright colours are attached. All the colours do for me is make me think of what a horror film might look like on an acid trip (although ti be fair I have never taken acid). Then there's the unnaturally happy demeanor they are required to put on when they clearly show signs of lack of enjoyment.

        Clowns just seems to trigger a truckload of "Warning!" Signals in my brain. They always have, my whole life. Whoever thought "hey, lets take a bunch of horror story concept ideas build a character and then use them as a "fun" kids entertainment feature!" has a serious noise in their head!

    • schrodingersman

      What's something that can really light up a room?

  • AinBaya

    The seasoned meat was tender.

    • KingMe

      Is Armadillo as tough on the inside as it appears on the outside?

      • AinBaya

        Haha nice. If you've ever had kangaroo it can go either way. Beautiful and tender if cookies correctly, tough as a tire if over cooked

  • AinBaya

    I just had as many prunes as I could and tried to shit it out.

    • Raycu

      How do you fix a stuck dildo?

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  • Chubros

    Well that was faster than expected!

    • Raycu

      What did she say in bed?

  • phosphorescent

    She once stole my piano and buried it next to my dead dog.

    • Raycu

      Why did you kill your neighbor's daughter?

  • Rothulfossil

    I didn't do it, but my ex thinks I was the one who put the spaghetti in her underwear.

    • darkbum

      Why were you sent to prison?