  • tehdiplomat

    I don't think those things are contradictory. I consider myself a very competitive person, I might be the most competitive person I know. But that doesn't mean I have to be a bad sport when I lose. The best part about being competitive is to find "worthy" competition. It's always more fun if there's a struggle involved to win.

    Of course a lot of competitive people can be sore losers, and those are just the worst, because they'll typically gloat when they win, and pile on excuses when they don't.

    • ClarkKent

      Ah this man. I am very humble when I win, I don't talk I don't gloat, I simply hand the ball over if its football or walk back and not say anything, which I feel like is a good because I get awkward. But everyone thinks that I am showing off. No, this is me just being me.

      Sore losers is what gets me. I cannot handle sore losers, it only takes my skill up that much more. Now you are giving me a reason to beat you more. Don't think I am the type of person who won't remember the guy 3 years later who beat me and gloated cause now I will train for that next moment.

      But than again that's just me.