  • IridescentOak

    I'm the type of (cheap) person who only keeps two pairs of shoes at a time: One for everyday use, and another for weddings and funerals. So for me, my impulse purchase was a pair of cute shoes I walked past in a department store one time. My current shoes were working fine and the new ones were really expensive, but they were just too awesome to pass up. So, even though I was already worrying about how I was going to justify this as a necessary purchase, I bought them.
    Then, the very next morning, I woke up to find my old shoes half-eaten by my mom's dog, making the new pair of shoes the only pair of casual shoes I now had. Talk about timing!

    • drunkenninja

      Well, this story definitely had a surprise ending :D

      I would consider it bitter sweet :D Bitter because your mom's dog ate your damn shoes, and sweet because you had a brand new pair that you really like instead of nothing at all!

      • IridescentOak

        Yeah, I wasn't exactly thrilled to see my shoes in ruins, but it worked out in the end! Well, except for the part where I had to clean up the mess the dog made, haha.