Conversation 12 comments by 6 users
  • eggpl4nt

    Work on my game projects, browse Reddit/Snapzu, check up on updates on Facebook, look up crochet patterns, squishyhug my rats, water/observe my windowsill plants, and clean! I like cleaning and organizing. Makes me feel tons better and it's productive! Wahoo!

    • KingWizard

      Lol it never hurts to be clean, although i live with 4 other people and my house is constantly crowded with friends plus I have a German Shepherd puppy who's in the process of being potty trained so keeping my house clean for more than an hour is a challenge.

      • Gozzin

        We had a gsd growing up..He was a house dog and the best dog we ever had..Except when he got car sick. There is a dog group and pet group both on Snapzu.

        • KingWizard

          Yea I had a gsd/golden retriever mixed dog a few years back. After moving into my new house one of my sister let him out and a few minutes later he was ran over he was about 2-3 years old but I still miss him. My new puppy tho is a gsd/black lab puppy but she's so hyper active and won't stop biting me every time I try to pet her. I know she's just playing but I have to resort to blocking my face every time she tries to lick me cus it ends up with my nose or beard being bitten lol.

    • NameTaken

      You have rats! I'm also interested in getting them. What do you feed them?

      • VoyagerXyX

        I feed mine these little rat triangles I get at the pet store, they also love bananas, apples, lettuce and spinach, the occasional brownie crumb, and bits of melon! :) (whisper whisper there's a /t/rats you know :P)

        • NameTaken

          OMG, I really like your rats. I am struggling with finding a cage.

          Can we PM on this?

          • VoyagerXyX

            Sure. I don't run /t/rats but it's as good as place as any to have an open convo about it so other people might find it and be helped as well! :)

        • Nate

          /t/rats sounds adorable. I don't have one, nor do I think I ever will, but I'd love to sub just for cute rat pictures!

      • Gozzin

        I used to have rats and I fed them pecans,assorted veggies,sometimes meal worms,clover,walnuts,some sunflower seeds and blueberries. Also,sometimes they got to clean dishes and casserole dishes. They loved that.

      • eggpl4nt

        Replied to your post on /t/rats! :) Don't forget to adopt in pairs or groups~!