
What do you guys/girls like to do when your bored?

9 years ago by KingWizard with 43 comments

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Conversation 9 comments by 8 users
  • FrootLoops

    There is always agar.io .

    It's amazing how much time you can spent on that site. ;)

    • Rothulfossil

      What have you done to me?

    • eggpl4nt

      Oh my god don't press space I split in two noooo. :'(
      Thanks for showing me that!

      • FrootLoops

        Hehe np, it's so much fun. I burned days playing it!

    • KingWizard (edited 9 years ago)

      Never actually played that game but I watch a lot of streamers on twitch occasionally and I've seen some of the streamers play this in between game loading times. Seems interesting tho may try it out once I get my computer fixed!

    • BigFoote

      And just like that, countless more souls are lost to agar.io.

    • BohemiaIsDead

      Dear God, my life. You have ended it.

    • Arzeus

      Now I don't think I'll be able to graduate from college anytime soon.

    • Nate

      This should be marked NSFW because I have been transformed into a worthless employee!

Conversation 12 comments by 6 users
  • eggpl4nt

    Work on my game projects, browse Reddit/Snapzu, check up on updates on Facebook, look up crochet patterns, squishyhug my rats, water/observe my windowsill plants, and clean! I like cleaning and organizing. Makes me feel tons better and it's productive! Wahoo!

    • KingWizard

      Lol it never hurts to be clean, although i live with 4 other people and my house is constantly crowded with friends plus I have a German Shepherd puppy who's in the process of being potty trained so keeping my house clean for more than an hour is a challenge.

      • Gozzin

        We had a gsd growing up..He was a house dog and the best dog we ever had..Except when he got car sick. There is a dog group and pet group both on Snapzu.

        • KingWizard

          Yea I had a gsd/golden retriever mixed dog a few years back. After moving into my new house one of my sister let him out and a few minutes later he was ran over he was about 2-3 years old but I still miss him. My new puppy tho is a gsd/black lab puppy but she's so hyper active and won't stop biting me every time I try to pet her. I know she's just playing but I have to resort to blocking my face every time she tries to lick me cus it ends up with my nose or beard being bitten lol.

    • NameTaken

      You have rats! I'm also interested in getting them. What do you feed them?

      • VoyagerXyX

        I feed mine these little rat triangles I get at the pet store, they also love bananas, apples, lettuce and spinach, the occasional brownie crumb, and bits of melon! :) (whisper whisper there's a /t/rats you know :P)

        • NameTaken

          OMG, I really like your rats. I am struggling with finding a cage.

          Can we PM on this?

          • VoyagerXyX

            Sure. I don't run /t/rats but it's as good as place as any to have an open convo about it so other people might find it and be helped as well! :)

        • Nate

          /t/rats sounds adorable. I don't have one, nor do I think I ever will, but I'd love to sub just for cute rat pictures!

      • Gozzin

        I used to have rats and I fed them pecans,assorted veggies,sometimes meal worms,clover,walnuts,some sunflower seeds and blueberries. Also,sometimes they got to clean dishes and casserole dishes. They loved that.

      • eggpl4nt

        Replied to your post on /t/rats! :) Don't forget to adopt in pairs or groups~!

  • zants (edited 9 years ago)

    I've played an MMO for the past 11 years, so I've never found myself trying to find something to do as there's always more to do on there (for better or worse, mostly—almost entirely—worse). I really want to quit, hopefully by 2016 I'll be at a point that I only play a few times a year, though I currently have nothing to replace it (hoping a job will be that something).

    I have a huuuge to-do list that I've just been dumping stuff into for the past 5-6 years. So there's always that as well (but that stuff is scary and actually requires work, so I almost never do that). Really hoping to get everything done this summer, though, so I can finally be done and get a ton of weight off my shoulders (I've said this for the past 3 years, though, so I hold out no hope for this to actually happen).

    I used to read a lot of tech/startup blogs, nowadays I just read their "top story" email digests and follow some websites on Twitter. Reason being: at least where I live and go to school, nobody else is interested in the startup scene, so everything felt pretty pointless as I could never bring anything up in conversation with people. However, I didn't completely stop reading about it as I plan to eventually get in the startup scene myself and don't want to be a complete newb (also the personal interest is still totally there and needs to be fed with something).

    And of course, link aggregators like Digg, reddit, Snapzu, and dozens of others. After several years of working at it I've finally lowered my usage of these services to somewhat normal levels (though I still have some progress to be made to actually consider it "normal" usage). I've done this basically for the same reason as the tech/startup blogs - I'm trying to limit my time spent on things that don't help me socially.

    Other than that, really got into watching YouTube about two years ago. I used to just watch the occasional video, now I take my subscriptions seriously and watch just about everything they upload. This dramatically lowered the time I played the MMO - it started as something I'd do while AFKing, but it's become a time-consuming activity in itself. Last year I actually took a break from the MMO for a few months (I was burnt out) and just watched YouTube videos all day in its place... I never want to watch that much YouTube again. I seriously earned my YouTube PhD that year. I think a reason I find myself using YouTube so much nowadays relates to the points I made above - YouTube has become a totally normal activity that everyone I know does (for several hours per day), so I do it with less guilt.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I message friends a lot. Right now through Facebook Messenger, though this summer I hope to finally get with the times and get a phone so that I can use other apps (2014/2015 is finally approaching the point that "I can just do everything on my computer" doesn't fly anymore, you really need a phone unless you want to be weird and do everything in an emulator like BlueStacks).

    I'd like to get into movies and watch some TV series someday, but so far I've never been interested in these things. Something I plan to never get into is gaming (unless VR is really sweet and changes my opinion); MMOs ruined gaming for me.

    • KingWizard

      I feel you man I don't play much MMO's but I do play a lot of league of legends. At the very least once a day for my first win bonus and there are times where I stopped playing for a month or two at a time just because I got sick of it. I do end up going back to playing league since all of my Irl friends play it and we usually duo queue or we play on our ranked team.

    • neg8ivezero

      I wont preach to you about the benefits of unplugging for a month suffice to say, you should try it out.

      I plan to eventually get in the startup scene myself and don't want to be a complete newb (also the personal interest is still totally there and needs to be fed with something).

      This is fascinating to me. If you have a genuine passion for something that could turn into a career, you are leaps and bounds ahead of most people! Run after that dream as hard as you can, my friend. Most people spend a good chunk of their lives trying to figure out a way to monetize something their passionate about. Go at it with zero expectations and don't stop going at it, you only get 1 life and you have the opportunity to spend it doing something you love!

      steps off of soap box

      All that said, if you ever need socialization, come here or PM me, I love to chat in the comments on this site, everyone is very friendly and the conversations are always fascinating.

  • MePLUR

    Reddit (now Snapzu), watch TV, play games.

    • KingWizard

      Yea pretty much this lol although if I'm bored enough and the usual watching TV or playing video games don't cut it I'll usually end up trying to find something to read around my house.

  • Inconceivable

    I've got an old truck that I bought a year ago and I'm working on swapping the engine in it. When I'm bored i research things that I need to know. I'd like to think I've learned some things along the way, but chiefly among those things is this: when you throw $2000 at a $1000 dollar truck, you end up with a $750 truck.

  • indycorps

    Watch anime, write short stories, play videogames, browse the internet, and improve my skills at something.

    • neg8ivezero

      I forgot to add that to my post, I also like to write short stories. I am working on a novel (I can hear Stewie mocking me now...) and have been for the past few years. I am stuck because I can't flesh out the hero qualities of my main character. I think I did a bit too much projecting with him and now no heroic traits seem to fit :/ Anywho, I digress... What kind of short stories do you write? Any particular genre? Would you be willing to share any of them?

      • indycorps

        Most of the short stories surround concepts that I ponder throughout the day. For instance, What would happen to my character if he was suddenly invisible or had the power of telekinesis? I would say that most of the writing is silly and not necessarily structurally correct. I do find myself projecting into the characters a bit, maybe it is a side-effect of grabbing elements that are familiar. The only people that have read my stuff are friends/family. I'm not much a writer in the formal sense, my grammar and sentence structure needs work. Personally, writing short stories is a window of self expression but also an exercise. If you are still interested you can PM me and I'll send you a mobi or something.

  • neg8ivezero

    I suppose it depends on my mood.

    1. If I am alone, I will sometimes play a good singleplayer game like Skyrim or The Sims and give myself a challenge like "wear no armor in Skyrim" or "Earn 1 Million Simoleons in The Sims without ever joining a career." If I am with my wife, I will play Torchlight II with her, the mods for that game keep the replay value pretty high.

    2. Sometimes I like to find a random, unpopular, cheap, ebook on Amazon and read it up. That is how I found "The Martian" by Andy Weir. It wasn't a big deal and then all the sudden got a bunch of attention and a movie deal, go check it out before the movie comes out!

    3. I am a frequenter of /t/trees so I do that sometimes and chat online or listen to music.

    4. I am a Trekker (suppress your giggles please), so I watch some Star Trek TOS and TNG. They never get old to me.

    5. I LOOOOOVE movies and will sometimes watch old Kung Fu or obscure old 50s Sci-Fi movies. Twilight Zone too. (Block-Busters are great too but I usually watch them when they come out so they aren't an option when I get bored).

    6. Obviously, I answer questions on Snapzu...

  • VoyagerXyX

    Sometimes when I'm bored I'll turn on my PS2 and listen to the background wave sounds and lie on my couch in the living room under my ceiling fan with the windows open and blinds closed and just meditate like that on my day and my life and how things are going and why I shouldn't be bored.

  • ToixStory

    Come on here, browse around for cool pictures of stuff, watching something on Netflix, go for a walk, and sometimes just take a boredom nap.

    • spacepopper

      Boredom naps were very popular back in the 1870's. Glad its making a comeback.

  • Lay

    Gaming, anime, reddit/tumblr/4chan, and youtube.

  • Gozzin

    I go out and collect grass and other greens for my house bunnies, interact with the bunnies, read,play Minecraft,go on line.

    • LacquerCritic

      Look, I'm not saying you have to post pictures of your bunnies...but I would officially like to strongly suggest that you do so. I so wish I had friends with bunnies so that I could get a chance to hang out with one, but from what I understand, I myself would not be a great owner for a bunny!

  • aikyo

    Usually when I'm bored, I play a game or log into Guild Wars 2. If that fails to keep me amused, I browse through the internet (Reddit/Snapzu/Tumblr) or try to watch a new anime or find new content on Youtube. If I have enough gas in my car, sometimes I'll look up interesting locations on google maps and just drive down to check it out. I also like to look up DIY tutorials online and try to make my room more aesthetically pleasing or just re-organize it in general.

  • stitches

    I blog, bake, sew, crochet, embroider, read, watch films, go for walks, got out with the camera.....I don't think I have much time to be bored. My grandfolks brought me up and it was very much idle hands when I was a kid so I've always had the mentality to have something on the go.

  • wrmnthewoodwork

    Depends how tired I am. If I'm really sleepy I'll surf the net or watch some short YouTube videos. If I'm more awake I'll work on my latest crafts - I like cross stitching, crochet, painting, and knitting. Love watching movies - my favourites currently are mostly Studio Ghibli films. Just can't watch a movie when I'm tired because I'll doze off and miss a good portion of the film. I have a nasty habit of eating when I'm bored - I'm trying to cut that out. I also love reading, but haven't had the time recently. I love antiques - flea markets and auctions are my favourite places!

  • VenStroto90

    I browse Snapzu, check on some subreddits on reddit, play Superfighters Deluxe, and surf the web.

  • Pirate

    Correct someone's grammar