  • Teakay (edited 8 years ago)

    I haven't really left, I just sort of took advantage of the opportunity. With all of the "reddit alternatives" being discussed, it seemed like the perfect time to branch out and explore new websites. I'm usually only active in small subreddits, so the current drama hasn't really affected me, and I don't really plan on leaving completely unless things go downhill from here. I don't expect some of the small subreddits I try to participate in, such as /r/psp, to appear here anytime soon, so I'm a bit tied to reddit still if I don't want to lose some of these topics. I figured I'd join some new sites to keep an eye on them and, in the case of this one, participate in a new community.

    You know what? I might just make a /t/psp since the chances of the reddit /r/psp creator porting it here are probably slim...