  • massani

    Hmmm... I would probably say the overall site in general. I would lurk every day if I could for a couple hours or more. I think it made me very cynical over the last few years, which is weird thing to admit. I took posts a bit more than just at face value, and I adjusted my opinions based on "upvoted" comments. Basically, I succumbed to hivemind/circlejerk that existed there. I thought I was much better than other people who didn't enjoy reddit as much as me, or could understand all the "dank memes" and whatnot. Over the past month or so, I've realized how negative I was becoming.

    After this whole management debacle, I decided it was probably best to leave. Although it doesn't affect me as much since I was a user and not a moderator, I still would prefer to not invest my time into a site that treats their moderators poorly. I'm sure I will still visit reddit often, but definitely not as much as I was doing. There are a lot of great smaller, niche communities over there. But like I said in another discussion post, there are still plenty of awful people in those communities.

    I really like what this site has to offer, so I will be investing in much more of my time here. I would love for Snapzu to be successful.

    • Arbituz

      I'm with you on how I feel about Reddit in general. I've felt like it's been time for me to leave for awhile now, but needed somewhere else to go first. I used Reddit for everything; news, reviews, funny pictures, etc. I was excited when things started going downhill the first time because I knew there would be talks of new places similar to Reddit. I tried Voat when things got bad and wasn't impressed. I got a very /b/ vibe from it and only lurked for a day or so before going back to Reddit.

      Fast forward to today. Somebody mentioned Snapzu and I immediately jumped at the chance to join a new community. I've been on here all day today and I'm still finding new things about the site and interesting tribes to join. I'm really hoping Snapzu can take off while still maintaining the feel of a good small community.

    • iansane138

      I fully agree with you, too. I became a negative person quick to judge and jump onto wagons in upvoting and circle-jerking mentality just to be apart of the majority at hand. Seeing all of the news come out on how admins were treating and performing with mods and their decisions made me critical of the site and my state of mind. Ultimately, and just like you, I realized it'd be better to leave because of how the communities were and how they affected my internet self.

    • HiddenSage

      This sounds almost exactly like my thoughts. With a small handful of exceptions (looking at you, r/kerbalspaceprogram), subreddits where interesting content was a regular thing and bigotry wasn't were getting scarce. Add to that an almost guarantee that quality is going to drop further as the mods get tied up in web drama and spend less time moderating in the near future, and reddit doesn't sound like it will be as much fun in the next few months.