  • atropos148

    I would realy like to know how you managed to do that... I really want to stop and I need some tips.

    • Bergatory

      "All it takes is willpower"...Well, it's true, but it takes a whole heck of a lot of it. The best advice I can give is to find your motivation. Every person who successfully quits has a different motivation. Family, health, money, sex, whatever. Just know that you've got a big beast on your back and there's got to be a bigger drive to get rid of it. I've been quit for 7.5 years now. My motivation was my wife. She was torn up about me being a smoker and I didn't want to do that to her anymore. Cold turkey kicked it and am better for it.

      • Yindoom

        May I ask if you still feel like smoking sometimes? I quit for about a year, then started, then kinda been on and off, and the need hasn't been there, but the wanting to has never truly left me

    • uncornrage

      How long have you been smoking for? What kind of methods have you tried for quitting?

      What worked for me was switching to e-cigs! I made the switch on January of 2013, and didn't really think about if I'd ever quit e-cigs or not. Last year, in December, I decided I'd try to switch from nicotine liquid to non-nicotine, then in March of this year I ditched the e-cigs completely. It has been ridiculously easy! No where near as agonising as trying to stop smoking with nicotine patches or gum or cold turkey.

      According to my E-smoker app, I have been nonsmoker for 911 days, and in this time I would have smoked 16398 real cigarettes! Those would amount to $4687, and I've spent $503 dollars on E-cigs, so I've saved $4184. Pretty nice, eh?