Text Post: Who runs Snapzu? posted by sysadmin
  • picklefingers (edited 11 years ago)

    Though all members should be treated equally, I don't think giving titles is inequality. I say this because I think that having members that have that team member badge on their names actually feels more equal than just having one "official" account. With team members among us, its feels like they don't feel like they are better than us. That they are just people like us. Its the same thing with reddit AMAs. They are just casually talking with some celebrities and its awesome. Now with some official account, it feels like they are too good to talk to us. I know that is not the case, but the feeling of separation is still there. (Sorry if I misunderstood you).

    • teamsnapzu

      You make a good point, but we assure you it is not the case. We appreciate all of you, and feel that by keeping everything officially under one account will make it easier to manage our day to day operations. It also assures that we avoid mistakes and miscommunication. We promise that as we expand, we will appoint additional administrators that will have "red" usernames (for easy recognition) so that they may help represent the Snapzu leadership. We are approaching these matters carefully, and wish to involve all of you in this decision making process, so your feedback is very much appreciated!

      • Slyken

        Nice, that's what I was saying before with the badge thing.