
A stranger randomly walks up to you one day and states that he/she is you from the future. What single question do you ask them to verify this?

9 years ago by Specter09 with 11 comments

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  • spaceghoti

    What are the winning numbers for tomorrow's jackpot?

    • bananaruth (edited 9 years ago)

      See, that doesn't make sense. Do you know the numbers from yesterday's jackpot? What about 3 months and 2 days ago's winning numbers? The only way that question would work is if they somehow knew the numbers which seems very unlikely unless that was their purpose in going back in time. Or I guess it would work if they lied and made up numbers, but why would anyone do that when they'd know they would be extremely unlikely to get away with it.

  • thraenthraen

    The best way to confirm is to ask something that only you would know the answer to, that cannot be found in any records (including speaking aloud because of the risk of recording), that is extremely unlikely you'd ever share (to rule out the possibility of it being someone else from the future), and that you can reasonably expect you would remember at any point in the future, barring any significant damage to your memory. Ideally, something insignificant that you have nonetheless remembered for an unreasonable amount of time. Given all that, my question would be: "What is the answer to the question that I would use to confirm your identity as future me?"

  • NotWearingPants

    What did you do that made you feel guilty?

    • Specter09

      Must have been something pretty bad if they'll instantly know what you're referencing!

      • NotWearingPants

        It wasn't, but it took many years to come to an understanding that it wasn't normal to be forced to make life altering decisions at age 10. I had to make a choice between 2 bad things. It wasn't this, but it was like this: You're in a car accident, the car is on fire, and you only have time to save one parent. Who do you pick?

        • Specter09

          Sorry you had to make such a difficult choice that young in your life.

          • NotWearingPants

            Thank you. Future-me won't have any trouble coming up with the right answer.

  • spammusbi

    What type of porn do I watch the most?

  • RoMS (edited 9 years ago)

    "Give me the market moves from the 500 biggest companies worldwide from now to when you teleported to me."

    Twist: I'll put a side for the guy on an account so that he gets something out of the deal.