  • massani

    I used to do this one in when I worked in retail:

    Say you have a rude customer who comes in and doesn't treat you well at all. Be super, super friendly and attentive to them. Guaranteed it will bug the shit out of them.

    • bogdan

      But do you really want to bug them further and get more aggravated? I found that if I talk to clients in a really positive mood they are more likely to be pretentious and rude; if I start the conversation with me being the one who seems discontent they will be more sympathetic and act nicer towards me.

      • nik (edited 8 years ago)

        I think it's the difference between clients and retail. I've worked retail before in the past as my first couple jobs, and customers were unnecessarily mean for seemingly no reason. If they were already angry, it was entertaining seeing them angry at a situation that you created out of being kind to them.

      • massani

        Good customer service isn't being discontent. My managers would have laid me a new one if I wasn't doing my job.