  • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

    UniWar is a free turn-based strategy game with three balanced races. We can even play online multi-player for free. There are things we can buy, within the game but nothing that makes winning easier (but maybe the ability re undo your moves/turn, so you can test things and undo them if you mess up, but it's not such a big deal).

    And Transit app, it's an app developed in Montreal that lets you know what are the public transit routes in a small radius around you, what direction they go, when the next ones will arrive, etc. It works in about 100 cities worldwide, and with Uber. No more need to find the specific app for the city you're in, or the many when more than one transit agency work together in the same city (like one for buses, one for trains/subways, one for ferries...) It has real-times of passage for the companies that have this information. Really helpful, often even more than the official Transit Agency app. Check it out!