
What's the one part of adulthood that still confuses you?

What's the one part of adulthood that still confuses you?

8 years ago by kiltman with 5 comments

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  • TannedGiant

    The fact that I really don't have to do anything if I don't want to. My whole life i've been told that I have to go to school, get good grades, go to church. Now I can say no to all of those and then not even bother with a job. Just sleep all day at my parent's house.

  • ttubravesrock

    That a large percentage of adults are basically children. I mean this in terms of behavior, attitude, spending habits, etc.

  • PushPull

    That people still absolutely refuse to actually use their brains to think, or are so damn attached to their ideals, feelings, and desires that they act like a freakin' three year old when they don't get their way.

  • Deagle

    I still haven't found the instruction manual on how to deal with being an adult and I'm getting worried that the longer I last without finding it the more people will be shocked when they finally discover that I'm just an over-grown kid who has no idea what they are doing 90% of the time ... :D

  • SuperCyan

    How anything works.

    I'm still really young, and I don't know what I'm doing. When I ask other people about what they're doing, they really don't know either. It feels like the world's run by a bunch of people just winging it and figuring things out as they go. Everyone's competent in some areas, but when it comes down to execution, there's really no one way to do something. If something breaks at work, there's no absolute written protocol that's been decided about what to do; instead, some higher up takes a look at at, finds a solution, and that's what we do. Every time I ask someone what to do, they say "fake it until you make it." However, I don't exactly know when I've "made it".

    With everyone going on the way they do, I just really don't know how the world hasn't completely collapsed yet.