  • indicasloth

    I have quite a few scars, but these are the ones I am proudest of.

    Scar 1: Lower Chin, Skateboarding down a hill that was crowned inward. Speed wobbles start going like crazy and before I can formulate an escape plan I am flying head first into the asphalt. I managed to get my hand out and reduce the impact force a bit in exchange for a chunk of skin, but my face still plowed into the ground chin first. I remember my first thought was "oh shit, my teeth" and reach up to make sure they are all there, my hand came back covered in blood. I grabbed my board and headed back to my girlfriends house. Oh the look on her face when she answered the door. Get myself to a mirror, and realize that a sizable chunk of my chin is just gone. Off to ER for stitches, great doc did three layers of 8 stitches to put my chin back together, about an inch long scar is all that remains. I also had a basil skull fracture and hairline fracture in my lower jaw which kept me in the hospital for a day or so, I will never forget being given a roast beef sandwich which I had no hope of being able to eat.

    Scar 2: This scar is known as the "Ministry Dentistry" event. Went to see Ministry on their farewell tour, I had seen them before but this would be the first time where I wasn't also working. Show starts up and after a couple of songs I fling myself into the mosh pit. Having a grand time smashing and bouncing around. Suddenly everyone in front of me is splitting away, and before I have time to react a large bald head comes charging through the crowd. His head smashes into the left side of my face, everything goes numb. I get back up and flounder to the edge of the crowd, I am getting intense looks as I push through the crowd. Head to the bathroom, and the entire left side of my face is just splattered in blood. There is a large laceration just under my left eye. check my teeth and realize that 2 of my crowns are broken in half (ya for root canals! no pain!). Try to go back to the show, but it is clear I need to go get stitches. Spend the rest of night in ER waiting to get stitched up, 10 stitches in all and a beautiful crescent moon scar under my eye.