  • NaGeL182

    I got 3 scars... all of them are from childhood.

    the very first is from 6 years old, and is on my right leg, near the knee. i just learned to bike and tried to bike alone.. of course i wasn't that good at it. So the very first ditch that was beside the road i lived i managed to crash into it. But such in a spectacular way that the break handle got lodged lodged into my leg. and my parents say it was the cause of my epilepsy as well.

    Second was in the last year of primary school. its inside my inner lower lip. i was about 12 or so. Winter. Yaay ice. Yaay Skating! Yaaay ice cloming closer! Yaay Blood as i speak! .. as i fell face first i managed to bite onto my lower lip... of course my teeth lodged into it and as i opened my mouth it ripped flesh out. it required 24 stiches. luckily its not admissible from the outside anymore.

    Third.. middle school and climbing fences. well i did that. a lot. and usually nothing happened. Not this time! I lost my balance and my right hand got stuck on the top of the fence, ripping on the flesh, while i still fell down and tried to hold myself with my right leg. ita goota clean long cut asa thanks as well! Yaay climbing!