  • hitthee (edited 9 years ago)

    which scar?

    The slash on my left hand below the thumb? an honest to god sword fight. I enjoy fencing but am not snobby we were messing around with antique rapiers and well my friend was always faster with a blade than I am.

    The V shaped scar on my right hand? A disgruntled jerk caused it at a job I had as a teen. He shoved razor blades under a table the day he was let go and my first day there I was told to move that table. It wasn't fun.

    The damage along my index finger, middle finger and palm ? really bad luck. I was working with a beautiful piece of birds eye maple again as a teen in shop class. Unfortunately for me I was unaware of the ancient iron nail embedded in the wood. The wood hit me in the chest cracking some ribs I went forward into the blade. It was not fun. They put my hand back together with bits of string.

    The one on my ass? well I tried to teach a former girlfriend of mine back in my college days to shoot a bow and arrow. She wanted to learn and I wanted some ass... it didn't work out that way. She shot the arrow in my ass despite the fact I was behind her and to the left... I still don't know how she managed that.

    The wrist scars? lefty is a suicide attempt and righty was me being an idiot 2 year old trying to see if a vase would bounce if I threw it on the ground.

    Ankle? meh surgery required after tripping over my dog.

    Oh I forgot one! my inner lip! that was due to a one in a billion fluke reaction to an injection given to me by my dentist as a small child which resulted in a life long mortal terror of needles.

    I sometimes wonder how the heck I am still alive.

    • genuineparts

      Uh... wow. Did you consider... you know stying away from sharp objects?

      In all seriousness tho, I can appreciate a scar from a swordfight, injuries while working on stuff but shoving razorblades under a desk? Who the hell does that? And getting shot with bow and arrow by your Girlfriend of all things. You are a very interesting person! xD

      Sorry to hear about your suicide attempt :/ hope you're doing better?

      • hitthee

        hah yeah as I look around at all the pointy things around me maybe I should.

        Life beat me down so low, people lie and assume whatcha going do? heh thankfully I have a dog.

        If I couldn't laugh at myself I'd probably have broke a long time ago ;) you've got to see the humour in well everything :D