  • spaceghoti

    What does paired mean? How do we know they're paired? What do we do to pair them?

    Would it help if we described it as "mirroring"? It's when one particle mirrors the behavior of another even though they're physically separated (not part of the same molecular bond). We know they're paired when they exhibit the same behavior at the same time in spite of not being joined in any way that we know how to measure.

    This article does a pretty good job of explaining how we do it.

    • SevenTales

      that is a way better answer than anything I came up with! thanks for the link :)

    • double2 (edited 9 years ago)


      EDIT: replied to wrong comment, oops!

      • spaceghoti

        I think that's an accurate description, but if he's having as much difficulty as he says I don't know if that will help.

        Full disclosure: I'm a layman at best, myself.

      • double2 (edited 9 years ago)
        @spaceghoti -

        I guess what I was trying to add is that it's like an object is still one piece, but it's component parts are not connected in a static visual sense, only in a behavioural sense. Oh, that's a much simpler explanation in itself... the particle is not visually together in one piece but it is behaviourally so.

      • spaceghoti
        @double2 -

        I think that works much better. :) Well done!